Full Name(s): Please tick the membership category which you wish to join, complete the form and make a bank transfer to the Club’s account at Lloyds Bank, Sort Code 30-98-97, A/c No. 46932360 quoting “your name” as the reference. Please email the form to Macsmith15@gmail.com
If you are unable to do a bank transfer, then please send the completed form with a cheque to the appropriate fee made payable to “Tyneside Croquet Club”, to the Hon. Treasurer: Mac Smith, Toft Hall, Kirkheaton, NE19 2DH
Full Member for the year (26 week season)…………………………………………………………………………£180.00 Full access to Club facilities and events; May vote at the AGM and SGM.
Under 25 Member…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..£25.00 Full access to Club facilities and events (Under 18’s must be accompanied by a designated adult chaperone); May NOT vote at the AGM and SGM.
Country Member……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..£65.00 Full access to Club facilities and events; May NOT vote at the AGM and SGM; Must live at least 25 miles from the Club (if distance is in doubt, see Country Members page on club website at www.tynesidecroquet.org).
Associate Member…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..£20.00 Non-playing member; May Not vote at the AGM or SGM. May participate in Club social events, eg. fun days, during which the Associate may use the lawns.
If a member of another croquet club, please indicate which will be you Principal Club.
I have significant Colour Vision Deficiency (CVD): Y / N (circle your response)
I agree to the club sharing the information below with other members of Tyneside Croquet Club strictly for the dissemination of club information to members and to enable individuals to contact each other to arrange matches.
My current, preferred, email is……………………………………………………………..
My postal address is
Home telephone…………………………………………………… Mobile phone…………………………………………………………..